Well, I hate to say that it has been far too long since I have last updated my blog. Our home computer kicked the bucket about a year and 1/2 ago, so no blogging for me for quite a while. I have greatly missed it-- mostly because it was where I stored all of my recipes. I admit that I started this blog merely for selfish reasons. I have always had wonderful intentions of recording my homemade recipes in the adorable recipe card books I have been gifted throughout the years, but alas it never happens. I love the idea of a blog because I know exactly where to go to find my recipes again, and it makes it ever so easy to share my recipes. I have lost far too many recipes to the great abyss that is my ever constant mind in the year and 1/2 since I have blogged. I am beyond happy to say that I'm back, and I'm ready to bake (more like ready to record my recipes so that I can no longer forget how I tweaked something to make it "better").
Family of four |
So, what has happened in my absence? Quite a bit has changed in our lives. This past November we welcomed a 4th member to our family. Doodle Bug has a little sister: Love Bug. I am so excited to update my blog with her amazing birth story. It will be our Birth Bonding Redo :) I have also learned to knit and crochet-- how was my life complete before this?? I absolutely love fiber arts, and I plan to record some of my favorite patterns on my blog as well.
I am so sorry to everyone that sent in comments on my recipes while I was away. I know it's late, but I plan to get back to each one of you :)
Happy 2015, and let the baking and crafting commence!
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